Sign up for Meineke’s Rewards Program to take advantage of our auto care perks!
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No one likes shelling out money to fix the car – even when we know it’s coming. But what if maintaining and fixing your car could help you save money the next time your car needed service?
That’s what Meineke Rewards is all about. We give you points for bringing your car into Meineke for the maintenance or repairs it needs.
Your Meineke Rewards points go where you do so you can use them at any participating Meineke center. Plus, the work we do is always backed by our nationwide guarantee.
Tire Rotation
350 Points
Tire Balancing
400 Points
Wiper Blades
500 Points
Air Filter
500 Points
Synthetic Blend Oil Change
1000 Points
High Mileage Oil Change
1575 Points
Full Synthetic Oil Change
2000 Points
Tire Alignment
1750 Points
Brake Pads/Shoes
2000 Points
When you come in for service, you can double your points - or more! With Meineke Rewards, your routine maintenance can earn you enough bonus points to redeem a free oil change as quick as your fourth service.
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